Neyhla Blu Tep, a psychology major with a minor in business administration is a Sullivan Fellow at Converse University. Hailing from Stockton, California, Neyhla has found that The Sullivan Fellowship experience has challenged and expanded her understanding of community service and personal growth – a blend of learning, personal development, and community engagement.

Neyhla describes her participation in the Fellowship as an opportunity to “learn about who I am and find things that I am passionate about.” This introspective journey has been significantly enriched by her participation in Sullivan events, notably the Sullivan Foundation Ignite Retreats. These retreats have offered her a mix of activities focused on self-discovery and project initiation, allowing her to explore her interests and connect with fellow students.

One of Neyhla’s key takeaways is the value of stepping out of her comfort zone, something she has experienced often while participating in Sullivan’s programming. Although a self-proclaimed introvert, she has found the courage to engage more openly and make meaningful connections. “Being a Fellow and participating in the Foundation’s activities has taught me the importance of making connections,” she explained.

As part of her Sullivan Fellowship, Neyhla has been actively involved in addressing food insecurity at Converse University. Alongside other Fellows, she has contributed to the Valkyrie Supply, a project aimed at providing essential supplies to the campus community – including food, but also other necessities such as clothing and personal hygiene products. This initiative highlights her commitment and the others involved to leveraging their roles as Sullivan Fellows to make a tangible difference in the school community.

Looking forward, Neyhla is excited about future Sullivan activities, especially the Ignite Retreats, where she looks forward to meeting new Fellows and learning from their experiences. She is also keen on developing her skills in pitching and storytelling, recognizing the power of persuasive communication in leadership and social entrepreneurship.

Neyhla’s aspirations extend beyond her immediate Fellowship activities. As a first-generation student, she is particularly interested in exploring solutions to financial aid challenges facing her peers. “Finding solutions regarding funding strategies could be a huge help,” she noted, aiming to contribute to easing the financial burdens of education for others.

In her journey as a Sullivan Fellow, Neyhla Blu Tep exemplifies the spirit of a student eager to learn, grow, and contribute. Her experiences reflect the transformative potential of the Sullivan Foundation’s programming, not just in fostering social entrepreneurship but in facilitating personal development and community engagement. Through her involvement, Neyhla is not only finding her

The 100 Year Anniversary of The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award

The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Foundation commemorates 100 years of the Sullivan Award, an honor that stands unparalleled as the only service-focused accolade presented in American higher education. Historic institutions have been presenting the Sullivan Award for generations, often as the school’s highest and most esteemed designation. The Sullivan Award is not merely a recognition of academic excellence or proven leadership; it’s a symbol of the recipient’s deep commitment to community, integrity, and service to others.

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