Students: Empowering You to create change

Empowering You

Bringing together students from 70+ colleges and universities to spark change.

Empowering You to create change

Bringing together students from 70+ colleges and universities to spark change.

Ignite Retreat

Unlock your potential for personal and professional growth at the Sullivan Foundation’s Ignite Retreat, a transformative experience designed to inspire and equip future changemakers like you. Explore how our workshops and community can empower you to make a meaningful impact.

Learn More about Ignite
this is a photo of a Reading With a Rapper class in action

Campus Roadshows

Want to turn your passion into a changemaking career? Our facilitators are ready to hit the road and come to your school to help! In our experiential workshops, students gain clarity on their role as social entrepreneurs and develop skills to help create positive change in their communities.

Learn More About Roadshows

Fellows Program

Elevate your impact to a new level with the Sullivan Foundation’s Fellows Program, designed for students committed to becoming changemakers in their communities and more. Learn how this prestigious program offers mentorship, resources, and a network of peers and professionals dedicated to fostering sustainable social change.

Learn More about Fellows Program
Other Sullivan Programming

Discover the diverse range of Sullivan Programs, from immersive field trips exploring social enterprises in the American South to enriching Study USA and Study Abroad experiences. Join us to engage with community projects and gain firsthand insights into global social impact. Click to learn more about these unique opportunities.

Learn More
this photo shows Josephine Balzac-Arroyo teaching a course on social entrepreneurship at Rollins College

Having trouble finding campus changemakers?

  • You’re not alone! We’ve worked with thousands of students who have felt the same way.
  • Our team will help you discover your calling and connect with others on your change-making journey.
  • Get connected and explore our programs, including the Ignite Retreat, Sullivan Fellows, and Study Abroad experience.

Having trouble finding campus changemakers?

You’re not alone! 

Our team will help you discover your calling and connect.

Get connected and explore our programs, including the Ignite Retreat, Sullivan Fellows, and Study Abroad experience.

To connect with Sullivan, share your email here: 

Join our student community on 70 plus campuses to explore your curiosities and make a difference together.

Inspire your Campus

Bring our coaches to you

Request us at your school
Tools, Mentors and Community

Attend the Ignite Retreat

Attend an Upcoming Event
Become a Campus Leader

Apply to be a Fellow

Apply to Participate
Inspire your Campus (for free!)

Request us at your school

Tools, Mentors and Community

Attend the Ignite Retreat

Become a Campus Leader

Apply to be a

Sullivan Fellow

Keep the momentum going on your campus

Keep the momentum going on your campus

Help make the next step on your journey and nurture a cohort of student leaders on your campus.

To discover more information on how you, our students, can get involved, reach out to our Caroline for more details.

Caroline Burlingame

“My biggest takeaway from Sullivan is that we can actually make our dreams – our big, crazy dreams – logical. Sullivan mentors are there to sit down with you and hammer it out.”

Asia Patterson, Ignite Retreat Attendee
Mary Baldwin University

“My biggest takeaway from Sullivan is that we can actually make our dreams – our big, crazy dreams – logical. Sullivan mentors are there to sit down with you and hammer it out.”

Asia Patterson, Ignite Retreat Attendee
Mary Baldwin University